Monday, March 8, 2010

Stepping Out

Deep breath in. Deep breath out. I'm posting my first blog entry.
It's kind of like throwing a party. Will anyone come? Will they have a good time if they do come? I don't have a thing to wear.

So, why am I blogging? To have a place to share those really random things that pop into my head so that more people will be thinking about really random things.

Also, I'm blogging because I'm in the process of writing a children's books and wanted to share my journey. I have two children, work full-ish time, and write. It's a full, but wonderful plate, and I sometimes wonder how I can make it work. So, in case you're wondering, here's what the daily routine looks like:

5:00 a.m. Alarm goes off.
5:00:30 Hit alarm button and wonder what jerk set the alarm for 5:00 a.m.
5:01 Remember that jerk was me. Give self permission to sleep for five more minutes.
5:15 Remember that no one can read my book unless I write it. Roll out of bed.Brush teeth. Make large pitcher of iced tea.
5:30 Hit the keyboard.
6:30 Fantasy world torn rudely away by reality. Time to get children out of bed and get ready for the day, get breakfast, make sure socks match.
7:35 Hit the car for school drop off.
8:00 MWF -- exercise. TTh -- get into traffic to commute to office.
9:00 Log onto work computer to save the world one benefits compliance question at a time.
3:00 p.m. Log off work computer. Hit carpool line and begin afterschool routine.
6:00 Try to remember what the dinner plan was.
7:00 Dinner
7:45 Kids prepare for bed.
8:15 Start reading books with youngest; yell at oldest about watching too much TV.
9:15 Start dozing off while watching TV with hubby.

That's it. That's the plan to get my idea to paper and from paper to some wonderful agent's inbox.

Write on, everyone.


  1. Congratulations! I hope you get 1000 great comments this year. And, I hope you get to interview very important people!

  2. Happy blogging. You're off to a good start.
