Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Class Accolades

It's that time of year when classes vote on class accolades or superlatives. Not sure how this tradition started, but our high school had them too. Well, we had them my freshman year, and then the practice stopped for some reason.

We had the usual "Most Likely to Succeed," "Best All Around," "Most Athletic," "Class Clown," etc. I actually managed to get one of these, and you're right, it definitely was NOT "Most Athletic." Looking back, I wish we could have awarded funny titles too. Mine probably would have been "Most likely to have children who talk incessantly."

I thought it would be fun to come up with some silly accolades for my oldest daughter's class to vote on, so I did some Internet research to try to steal, I mean, borrow some ideas. I ran across a number that made me laugh.

One superlative that struck me as particularly funny was "Most likely to wear flipflops and stand in six feet of snow." Another good one was "Most likely to stalk a celebrity." Then, there was "Most likely to go missing before the age of 30" (now, that's a vote of confidence from your classmates).

So, about the Astros' game last night . . .

Oh, wait, I have a better one for me -- "Most likely to ignore segues."

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